Arduino and Microcontrollers

Instructor: Fabrizio Manzino (CyNexo)

Amount of frontal teaching: 8 hours 

Arduino and Microconrollers

The course is an introduction to microcontrollers, taking Arduino board as a specific example, and is organized in 4 lectures of 2 hours each:

  • Lecture 1: Introduction to Microcontrollers (pptx).

  • Lecture 2: Introduction to the C language and examples (pptx).

  • Lecture 3: How to use interrupts (pptx).

  • Lecture 4: Protocols and interfaces (pptx).

The course is a good opportunity for students (but not only) to learn how Arduino can be used in their experimental setups and to become more familiar with its programming.

The video recordings of the lessons are available online here.